Termites are some of the most destructive pests and have the tendency to invade spaces if left unchecked. They multiply quickly and can cause extensive and extensive damage.

Termites multiply much quicker than many other insects. A queen termite can have up to 30,000 eggs in one day, which means there can be hundreds of thousands of termites in a house in one month. As a result, a mature termite colony can eat more than five kilograms of /wood, which can damage any structure.

Several factors encourage termite infestations and how quickly they can spread. Subterranean termites are the worst because they have access to the foundation of any building, compromising its structure.

Therefore, it is crucial to contact a pest control company for the immediate extermination of the termite infestation.


There are two primary ways that termites spread in any environment.

One way is looking for food and finding an excellent breeding ground in a new place. They can begin termite colonies in such places.

The second way they spread is by looking for new mates. Termites may leave existing colonies and fly in search of winged male termites. Once the female is ready, it can look for a new environment, settle, and begin another colony. Over time, the colony spreads and causes a termite problem.

How fast termites spread - determining factors

Termites need only a few days to spread so much that an area can be considered to have termite infestations. And if a house has a termite infestation, it may already be too compromised to be salvaged. As mentioned before, several factors cause termites to spread faster than usual and cause a problem.

The following are some factors determining how quickly termites spread without termite control:

Humidity and moisture

Termites eat wood and damp wood is an excellent place to get a food source. Wood that has not seen sunlight in a long time tends to be damp, which is why termites are prone to eat wood in the foundations of a house.

Other places where you are likely to find termites are damp basements and other hidden spaces, walls with moist wood, and roof cavities with leaks. Subterranean termites excel at attacking from under buildings and can form termite colonies in such places.

Available shelter and food

One of the easiest ways to have a termite problem on your property is to have an abundance of wood and other cellulose. An area with construction may have termites, especially if the woods are in abandoned piles.

If you must have wood as part of the construction, use treated timber or the termite-resistant type. In addition, keep an eye out for possible termite colonies and use pest control regularly.

Nearby termite infestations

Another way to encourage a quick spread of termites in an area is by having an untreated infestation nearby. If an entire neighborhood with a termite problem or a next-door neighbor already has compromised structural integrity, it is crucial to get termite treatment.

The termites will migrate from your neighbor’s place to yours when there is nothing else to eat. Also, they may need a new place to form new colonies, and any wooden structure can be an ideal place for breeding, feeding, and spreading.

Related: Do Termites Spread at Night?

Size and age of the colony

The bigger and older the colony, the more termites there will be in it. The size of the colony is a primary determinant of how quickly they spread. You may not be able to check these factors.

Only a pest control professional can monitor and determine the type of infestation on the property. Termite damage from a large and mature colony is usually extensive, and if there are queen termites around, the infestation spreads faster.

Access to vegetation and foundation

Termites infest areas with a significant amount of wet leaves and mulch. Not only are these likely to cause an infestation, but they are ideal for hiding and traveling underground for new food sources and habitations. If subterranean termites can get access through these points, they may cause structural damage to any building.

No termite control or barrier

Pest control can be in place to create a barrier and keep the termites out. The pests can invade any environment without adequate protection. Therefore, pest control solutions and regular inspections reduce termite activity.

Related: Do Termites Leave on Their Own?

Termite infestation signs

A swarm of termites is a clear sign that there is an infestation. But you do not have to wait until there is a swarm; it is usually too late at this point. In other words, a single termite on your property may indicate others close to it.

Other signs termites have found a suitable environment on your property are underground mud tubes, heaps of termite wings, or hollow sounds on wood. It is important to note that termites have straight antennae; they have no curves. Their wings are typically shaped like teardrops, long, and the same size.

Ridding your property of termites

Eliminating termites is crucial to prevent excessive damage. Pest control is one way to rid your property of pests, and professional exterminators play a vital role in its administration.

How much wood you have may affect the number of pests around and it is not only about termites. Termites create damage that may not be immediately noticeable, but the damage begins to show over time.

Apart from using pest control measures from professional exterminators, there are a few other ways to prevent having a new colony on your property.

  • Clear old and rotting wood from your yard or other properties. You only create an excellent living space and food source for termites the longer you leave the wood.
  • Buy treated timber and termite-resistant wood for construction. Termites live more in outdoor structures, so you may have to start from the outdoors to treat the property.
  • Metal shields may keep the termites from invading the foundation of a house. So, consider installing some if you have a new house under construction.
  • Avoid leaving dead wood around the house. Your property may have dead tree stumps, leaves, branches, woodpiles, and timber. They may not be in the way, but if there is a termite infestation, it is easy to get them in the house.

Related: Does Vinegar Kill Termites?

Scott Williams
Author: Scott Williams - Scott is a pest control expert and has worked in the industry for over 20 years, most recently in NYC, where he runs a pest control business. Scott loves to write articles, share his knowledge on exterminator services, and advise on safe DIY method.